Throughout the Journal, Benjamin documented the struggles of the many individuals with whom he served and guided through the war. As we read, and re-read, and researched the Journal, it was difficult not to wonder what happened to the men of Company M when the war ended. Little by little, additional pieces of information became available. In this section, we are sharing those additional details (with permission of the families, of course).
Click here for an alphabetical list of the the men of Company M, as well as others who are mentioned in the Journal. As families share stories about their ancestors, they will be added to this section. If you are directly related to one of these individuals, and willing to share their story, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.
Levi Franklin Fulcher (1825 – 1892)
Levi was born in Virginia, and married Hannah Turley in 1850 in Virgina. Hannah died in 1852, and Levi married Mary Holiday Turley in 1853. Soon after their marriage, Levi and Mary moved to Putnam County Missouri where they raised their children. Levi is buried at Wyreka Cemetery, Putnam County, Missouri.
Captain Abraham Slingerland (1837 – 1883)
Abraham Slingerland was born February 11, 1837. He died March 3, 1883, in Denver, Colorado. The following is taken from his obituary, as published in the Weekly Graphic, Kirksville, Missouri, March 16, 1883.
“We learn with regret that Mr. A. Slingerland, died at the residence of Col. Lipscomb, in Denver on Friday, March 2nd. His remains were taken to Palmyra and burried [sic] by the side of his wife who was a daughter of Col. Lipscomb. His friends in Kirksville, though they knew he was in a precarious condition did not learn of his death until after his funeral had taken place and the news was quite a shock to the community. Captain Slingerland served in the late war as a commissioned officer of the 7th Mo. Cav., and was an efficient and gallant officer. Since the war he occupied various private and public positions with credit and honor to himself and friends. His old army friends of whom there are many in Adair county, will hear of his death with sadness and regret.”